The Lilah Session - $395
- 40 edited images
- Relaxed time setting
- 24 hour preview
- Styling assistance
- Digital album
- Print release
The Lilah session, named after my eldest daughter, is designed to allow life to unfold at it’s own pace, in it’s own beautiful way… the joy, the mess, the chaos, the connection, the emotion, the laughter and all those little moments in between that make your family, YOURS! Lilah, the one who made me a mama, is growing up so fast it’s almost unfair… Her hair is getting longer, her once tiny hands fill mine when she grabs hold of them. My heart aches and swells with pride at the same time as I see her grow, knowing that as she does, she’ll eventually need me less and less as she moves onto the next step in her life. I look through my old pictures of her and am taken back to those first memories of motherhood- the hard, the exhausting, the rewarding, the beautiful, and I want to do that for you for whatever season you’re in… take you back to the moments that slip by too quickly and allow you to sit in sweetness of the memory.
The Addalyn Session - $275
- 10 edited images
- 20 minutes
- Styling assistance
- Digital album
- Print release
The Addalyn session, named after my youngest daughter, is just like her… short and sweet! While the heart and drive behind the session remains the same, this one gives us just enough time to capture some snuggles, silliness and share some hugs and kisses.